Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This is why I have little interest in DIY

Something that seems like it could be so great...

Can in reality. be so. Annoying.

Two botanical prints at the thrift.  For $7 each but wonky mattes. Ok I spend however many hours of my life finding new mattes, disassembling professionally matted pictures, take off the wonky mattes...first one: Fabulous.  Second one: are you joking, ripping everywhere.  Now.  I have one that I love and no matching set!!  First World Problems.  So now I spend however many more hours of my life to find a smaller frame, smaller matte, re-assemble aka jerry rig, so that I can have fabulous botanicals lahke-eiiis...


or hurr.


and thurr.

I mean, is it really worth my time?

By the way, how fetch is this? ;o)


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